This wall is my favorite wall. It’s painted a nice Florida shade of pink. It’s a wall in my art room and it’s painted pink because I could paint it pink. I don’t have anyone to tell me I can’t paint it pink.
It’s a random wall, full of frames and pictures from floor to ceiling. Cluttered, some would say. It’s an unfinished are project. We can call it a progressive art project since it will never be complete in this lifetime. Some of the art is mine, some is not. But I like looking at all of it. Some of it changes, some of it will never change. It’s fun to look at. And if you focus on just one piece, you can sometimes get lost in it. Everyone that looks at it sees something different. They look at it. They like it. But they would never do this in their own house.
It’s a good wall.
Jody, this is a great idea. I love your art wall. My favorite is the silver frame right in the center. I like that it is a previously empty frame used to frame two more pieces of art with the pink wall showing through. Thanks for sharing your inspiring art wall. -Amy