I’m not sure how many challenges one person can have going on at the same time, but I’m willing to break a world record on it. My recent wardrobe downsize was just the beginning of downsizing my entire house. This has not been a super easy process, but I sure learned many things that could potentially make it easier for me and easier for anyone to downsize. Now, you have to understand something. When I get motivated to do something, there’s no time for grass to grow under my feet. As a friend of mine fondly labeled me a few weeks ago, “a freak of nature”, I clearly live up to that when it comes to just doing anything without hesitation.
My new challenge is this: Maintain my downsized quantity of material possessions and continue to downsize on a regular basis.
Simple. Sounds simple, but will it be that easy? The first part of the downsize took a lot of time and effort, but the rewards are huge! You probably won’t believe this, as I would not have believed it myself, but an astronomical amount of stress went out with all of the material things. For one, ownership is responsibility. Most of the things we purchase are bought with the intention of making our lives easier or better, however living in a sea of gadgets places us in gridlock, as we desperately speed up this vicious cycle of spending more and wanting more. There is no magic gadget that will make life easier, but there is a way to make that happen, it just takes a little bit of sweat equity and a desire to create change.
When purging things from my garage, I had 3 books on organizing. Seriously!!??! Here’s how I will do this new challenge.
Maintaining my downsized quantity
Simple. Every time I buy something, I have to get rid of something. If I come home with 3 new (used) things, 3 thing have to go. I won’t do this with groceries, as I already have a challenge there that is working wonderfully. Once I get to my desired allotment of stuff, this will help me maintain it. If you plan to do this challenge, this part is good to start immediately, as your situation won’t get worse, it will stay the same until you begin your downsize process.
Continuing the reduction of material possessions
For one year, I will get rid of one item per day, in addition to the maintenance plan. I’m haven’t reduced to the level I want to yet, and this should get me there. Slowly, but I’m doing it so I can blog the process, recording why I still have the items and why I made the decision to give it away. It’s also a good accountability process to blog these things. It takes a little time, but you can do that too (for free) on WordPress. Just take photos with your phone, write a sentence or two and post it.
Tips on downsizing
Here’s a few tips to get you started in your venture to simplify your life by owning less stuff.
- Minimalist mindset. You have to be motivated on some level to do this. You might not be 100% convinced that this will change your life for the better, but if you believe it even the slightest little bit, then you have enough motivation to start. And for my friends that will say, “I can’t do it because my family won’t help, they won’t participate…”, just to it. If they can’t beat you, they’ll have to join you.
- Staging area. Having a staging area is hugely important. I’m using my garage right now. Everything goes out there into pile of where it should go. You must quickly get it out of that area of it will start to migrate back to places where it shouldn’t. I purge to the garage, then at least once a week, I list things on freecycle or make a trip to the thrift store.
- Storage areas. You do need to have some empty storage space, but not too much, as you will tend to fill it back up. As soon as I emptied the 100+ cans of paint of the 5 tier metals shelves, I gave the shelves away. I don’t need them and I’ll just add more organized clutter to my garage.
- Clean slate. Yes, I need to clean my slate patio, but that’s not what I’m talking about. When you start with any given space, clear it all out of the space first, then organize it back into the space. You’ll be motivated to get rid of more things and your time will be better spent, rather than just shuffling things around. It’s like those little number puzzles, the ones with the frustrating little plastic tiles. Wouldn’t it be easier to pop them all out, put 1-6 back in order and donate 7-15 to someone who would be blessed by your extra stuff?
- Deciding what to get rid of. This seems to be the hardest part for everyone, myself included. Ask yourself these questions when going through your stuff. Is this an extra or a spare? Do I need more than one of these? Do I need this at all? When is the last time I used it? Could I borrow one or share this with somebody? Does it have more than one use? If I keep this, can I get rid of some other related things? Is this something I can get easily in the future if I get rid of it and find I need it? This new mindset has helped me part with things. I’ve been working on this slowly for 4 years, but power working it recently. I have no regrets about the things I’ve gotten rid of.
If you do participate in this minimalist challenge in any way, please let me know how it goes. If you do the blogging, please send me a link and I will add it to my site. Have a happy, stress-free day! :)
I did notice that JodyWissing was ‘take’ing on FriscoFreecycle and then noticed that sundaysdontsuck was ‘offer’ing. Very clever. My garage is full of stuff we are going through as well. You go girl!
Ha! I’m busted. Actually, that was my old work email, but the only Yahoo one I had. I could list a lot of this stuff and make some money, but the time is more valuable. It’s been great. I filled my driveway with stuff, and I mead FILLED, and 98% of it was gone in 24 hours. Greatness. Have fun in your garage!!