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I sometimes say to my kids, “We’re having no electronics night.”  Inevitably, one of them will start down the ‘electricity’ path, saying, “Oh, so we can’t use lights?  How are you going to cook dinner without the stove?  Hmmm?”  This conversation usually carries on until bedtime as my kids try to twist this into something horrible.  According to them, this is the grandest injustice and abuse that you can impose on children.

Well guess what!  We’re going on vacation… WITHOUT ANY ELECTRONIC PACIFIERS!

Yes, I know we have a 7 hour drive.  Read a book.  Play I spy.  Do licence plate poker.  Count animals.  Look for abandoned houses, because we still have the camera and I’ll stop for those.  Fight with your brother.  Sing a song.  Yes, without your electric guitar.  Draw a picture.  Write in your journal.  Be creative!  Use your imagination!  (yes, that’s a Spongebob reference)

We’ll all come back well rested or really crabby and in need of therapy.  See you soon!