Oprah always has her list of favorite things at Christmas time and gives them away to her viewers or audience. A lot of this feels like advertising, although she has a few things to say about each of these and why she likes them. Unfortunately that doesn’t rules out paid advertising. If Oprah mentions you or your product, you’re an instant success. When I worked for Barnes and Noble 15 years ago, we would have to order 100+ of any title she mentioned on her show. She has a lot of power to make a difference.
I pulled up her list several weeks ago for my blog, but decided to pull it up this morning while I write this post. Surprise! Oprah has added over 10 new items to her favorite things. Among the new items? An iPad, Scrabble for the iPad, glittery Uggs and Coach bags. I had every intention of believing she actual uses these things, likes them and then features them on her show. Clearly this is not the case, this is yet another creative, and very expensive, advertising vehicle. Why do I think that? The answer is in the iPad…
Apple iPad. Read the blurb under the photo. She says, “Words cannot describe what I feel for this magnificent device. I really think it’s the best invention of the century so far.” She continues on with, “Thanks to my iPad, I now read about four newspapers a day. I write my column for O magazine way before the deadline because I love writing on it so much.” Really Oprah? If that’s true, why is it late making your list of favorite things? Could it be that Apple contacted you to market this magnificent device? If they did and you accepted it, good for you and good for Apple. It’s a win-win for Applrah. What I have a problem with is lying. If Oprah really uses this and it’s one of her favorite things, then why is it late on the list? This is advertising, plain and simple. She writes on it way before her deadlines, yet this is a recent favorite things addition? It doesn’t add up Oprah. Maybe you should stop playing Scrabble on your treadmill and find a truth-in-advertising app. It’s okay to advertise, it’s okay to say you like stuff you don’t use often, but don’t act like you can’t live without it and that you do things with it you clearly don’t do.
Now, let me take the direction I planned with this post. I had planned to talk about a few of her items, then my next post will be Jody’s favorite things. So I think I’ll go to the Apple store and see if they’ll sponsor me? In the mean time, take a look at a few other Oprah 2010 items.
kiva.org. I started with Kiva because this is a great thing to do for Christmas gifts. For $25 you can help someone from anywhere in the world fund their small business. This is a great gift for many reasons. It helps people in need, it allows you to help them, the person receiving the gift doesn’t collect a bunch of stuff they don’t need and you can see who you’re helping. Once that money has helped someone, you can choose for that money to go out again to help another project or person. Groupon.com is doing a matching program too! This will be on Jody’s favorite things as well.
Hope by Philosophy. Oprah has been using this moisturizer for over 10 years. Again, this was a late addition, so i took 10 years and 2 months for her to decide to make it a favorite? Nope, I think it was a late addition, because it features a picture of a “certain little girl from Mississippi.” I wonder who that could be? Good thing she decided they’re a favorite or this company would be investing in some 3M stickers with some other not-so-certain kid from Montana. If Hope really costs $38 for 2 ounces, it’s no wonder there’s a lack of hope in our culture. My philosophy? I can’t afford hope, although this topical type hope might be easier than the psychological hope.
Nikon D3100 SLR camera. I’ve been using Nikon cameras since the early 80’s. My first Nikon was an 8008 film camera. I have to admit, I’m more into electronics than clothing or girly stuff. Whether you’re buying a camera, a tv, a sweater or a necklace, just make sure is something that will be liked and used, not something to add to the pile of stuff you or your loved one doesn’t use.
Baker’s edge baking pans. Here’s something Oprah really does like, as it was on the original list and she’s always talking about dieting. First of all, this pan would be a diet for me, as I like the inside pieces of lasagna and cakes, not the crusty outside stuff. It comes with Ghirardelli brownie mix too, which is a little funny since she’s also featuring a book, A Course in Weight Loss by Marianne Williamson. A contradiction? Yes Oprah, it is.
My point in featuring Oprah is that she’s sold out to the money making. Anything will be on her favorites list if the company supports her. What are your favorites and why? Don’t sell out to culture or anything else people are selling unless you believe in it.
I am really glad that oprah is going off network tv. I think her time has come and gone. Seriously, I do. People tend to care what their friends and family are buying or other consumers- facebook, Twitter, and things like yelp. I honestly think oprah jumped the shark several seasons ago- and for sure after the Whitney Houston interviews…sheesh!
She’s going off the TV screen, but wait until the next blog post about her… I got some interesting info this morning about her new business venture.
Ack! You don’t like the edge pieces? *gasp* my image of you is blown. Kidding, in regards to Oprah, she has way to much sway in pop culture but *shrug* at least she isn’t using it to advertise alcohol or something and doesn’t end up in jail every other day.
In this day and age if you think she honestly uses everything she endorses, you really need to join the rest of us here in the 21st century. It’s all a business.
I agree, but I do think shopping is a huge addiction that a lot of Americans struggle with. It’s not physically damaging like alcohol, but nevertheless, it’s an addictive behavior.
Middle. Pieces. Yum.
I do therapy shopping ALOT!