Financial Peace University
This is a list of blog posts from my year of no retail shopping that takes the week five “Buyer Beware” lesson to a whole new level. Learn to shop like no one else so you can live like no one else with these shopping and saving tips.
To buy or not to buy. Kids spending money and get a small loan, because your going to the movies and buying popcorn.
Lessons learned through a pink bag and Barbie. You can learn a lot for a dummy, I mean a Barbie. This has tips on teaching your kids about money, and even though it’s Barbie, it’s good for boys or girls.
Ask the chickens. Maybe they know. Expiration dates and tips on not being wasteful.
Fine. Dress me up like a fairy princess. Tips on thrift store clothing shopping.
Trained shopping monkey. We’ve been subconsciously trained by little yellow tags. Buyer beware.
Who is Lee M. Cardholder? Credit and debt has a Facebook identity.
Waiting pays off. Thrift store shopping, how to find what you’re looking for.
Psych impulses. How to keep your kids from making impulse buys.
Read the fine print.
There’s a reason fine print exists, it’s a good ideas to read it. You wouldn’t believe this stuff from Black Friday. One store actually is selling used parts in new stuff.
The person with the most toys wins.
Not using something? Trade stuff with people you know. It’s like getting new stuff for free. This also has my financial history… and it’s not pretty!
Gee, that will look great in my garage.
Stop impulse shopping and retail therapy.
Insomnia, infomercials and insanity.
Late night money savings.
Online shopping 101.
Online shopping tips.
You can’t possibly eat all that.
Tips on eating out, getting more for your money.
What is it?
Do you want it it or need it?
To Infiniti and beyond! A cost analysis on how your old car is saving you money, even if you need repairs.
I saved $53,000 in 20 minutes. See how 5 other people saved a lot of money after reading this. Don’t worry, there’s no fine print. ;)
Grow your own food. Yes, you can grow your own food. Even in Frisco, Texas, in our tiny yards.
Is it coffee or an investment? This is a cost analysis I did a while back on my other blog. If you like coffee, this is a must read.
Black Friday shopping, the new Olympic sport. Black Friday tips applied to a much better shopping source, dumpster diving.
Pulling food out of the trash. Yes, that’s what I said. I ate it too. Also some good tips on leftovers.
What is nobody bought new stuff? Read about Awful Inevitable Radical Economy Deflation (AIRED)
Dumpster diving. Yep, I did and got something great!