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Honestly?  The challenge isn’t so bed.  Trying to blog it everyday?  That’s the difficult part. I think I need to do my challenges, take notes, then blog about the lifestyle changes.  OR, maybe I just don’t blog everyday.  OR, I micro blog with social media.

Today, I’ll add 3 photos.  It’s like a blog picture book.  I can do pictures.  ;)

Here’s a disposable item I like.  Needles and syringes.  My recent trip to the doctors office made me think that there a few things that are good being disposable.

Biohazard Needles & Syringes Bin

Communion.  Our staff had communion at work this week.  “We will pass around the little cups, please take one…”  How do I do this?  I didn’t see this one coming.  I plan for the things I know about.  I took it.  And I saved it for next time.  Yes, I will have my very own plastic wine thimble.  Do you know they have communion snack packs now???

Communion Wine & Bread

I found this old photo in my family collection.  This is back in the day where shopping was a special trip and not something you did very often.


Christmas gifts in plastic trash bags?  Another family photo find.  I totally don’t get it.


Habits are hard to break.  I went to get a cupcake with my friends.  I briefly explained that I can’t use anything disposable, and asked for my cupcake to be placed on nothing, just give it to me.  They still put it on a paper plate.  :0


More to come tomorrow…