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Just say it!!!!!! Okay, I probably speak my mind more than the average Joe(D), but that seems to work a whole lot better in keeping harmony at work and at home.  I used to feel like I had a piece of duct tape over my mouth, but when I speak the truth in love (which doesn’t always sound like love), it just makes life so much easier.

Okay, I should not blog when I’m irritated, but I’m going to, as it does relate to my challenge.

I woke up this morning to a few bothersome emails.  There were good bothersome and bad bothersome situations that came up.  The bad ones?  Situations where if the person had just been honest in how they feel or think in the first place, the whole situation would have never happened.  I’m sure I’m not the only one who has dealt with this.  Why can’t people say difficult things to each other?  Sometimes it’s not even difficult, it’s something that would be easy to say, yet never gets said and leads to something ‘stupid’, for lack of a better word.

The good ones?  Where people speak the truth.  Honesty above anything else.  Here’s how that ties in with the challenge.

On day 83, someone said I crossed the line.  Did I?  I’m not sure.  He has many good points in his argument, but at least he chose to say something.  Debate is a good and healthy process.  If no one ever challenges us, how are we to grow in our thought processes and strive to be the best we can be?   Thank you Ozz for sharing your thoughts.

On days 19 & 20, I received emails about something I was doing that a few people considered wrong and inappropriate.  I could have gotten angry, but I didn’t, instead I did some research.  If indeed I was doing something wrong, I want to correct that.  Because of those emails, we have a great recycling program at work and it’s set up to help the city of Frisco.

I said all that to say this:

  • I welcome feedback, good or bad.
  • I take all comments seriously and ponder better ways to do things.
  • If I’m doing anything that makes life difficult for others, I will make changes.

My goal with this challenge is simply to make some positive changes that challenge society’s view of compassion, commerce and materialism.  Small changes can mean a huge positive impact on everything in life.  Am I a dreamer?  Yeah, probably, but I’m going to keep dreaming.  Join me.  :)