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I’m spoiled to my 1.5 mile drive to work.  I have an SUV and I fill it up about every 3 to 4 weeks, unless I have some unplanned trips to Dallas or something.  I decided to walk to work a couple of days ago.

It takes just under 30 minutes to walk to work.  I live in suburbia where people just don’t walk places, well, that is unless they are dressed in fancy running attire or walking a dog.  The looks I got from people driving by, silently said, “Oh, sorry your car must be broken down” or “I wonder what she’s doing”.  And there was the guy in the red Mercedes that was smiling and waving like he knew me.  Odd…

Today I’m riding a bike to work.  I only have 15 minutes to get home after work to pick up my kids, so walking won’t work.  My friend let me borrow her bike.  Thanks Diane!!!


It’s good exercise, saves on gas, less wear and tear on the car, better for the environment and gives me some mental downtime.  It’s just something different and it has many benefits.  The weather is nice, so I’m taking advantage of it.  If you see me riding a bike or walking, don’t honk.  It scares me and I’ll spill my latte.