Black Friday: So I didn’t go out for Black Friday like I did last year… to make fun of people shopping. Here’s the video from last year.
Small Business Saturday: Why is this after the big retailers get all the money (applied credit card debt) the day before? Seems like people supporting this cause may want to skip Black Friday. I like supporting small businesses whenever I can, and I also like supporting service based businesses. Less buying stuff, but it still keeps people employed without creating more waste for this planet.
Cyber Monday: Is there really any money left for this? Lots of credit I guess. It seems as though you would want to start with this, as you don’t have to fight crowds and drive around. If I was going to shop, this would be the way.
So there’s still four more days in the week that are not associated with shopping. I would like to take this opportunity to use and name all of them now.
No Shopping Sunday: Just don’t shop. Do you really need the stuff you’re buying? Take a break. Spend some time with friends and family. Take a long bubble bath. Do a staring contest with your dog. Clean your car. Fix that loose door knob you’ve been ignoring for a year. Stay out of stores. Your bank account will thank you. This particular shopping holiday can be applied any day of the week.
Service Only Tuesday: Instead of buying stuff, use services. Get your nails done. Get your car washed. Get a massage. Support people that use their skills for a living instead of filling the planet with more stuff.
Resale Wednesday: Buy used stuff. Shop at a thrift store or resale shop. Buy on eBay or craigslist. If you buy it with door dings, you don’t have to worry so much about it looking perfectly new. A lot less stress.
Benefit Others Thursday: Buy something that benefits other people with your purchase. Buy a pair of TOMS or a pack of gum from Project 7. If you just need to spend money, go give a Kiva loan or support a cause through micro lending.
Okay, so I’m being a bit snarky, but at what point do we say enough is enough? You can try and keep up with the Joneses, but let’s be real. You really think they paid cash for all that stuff? I wouldn’t want to be sitting on their nest egg. Did you notice all of this is based on Christmas, yet I didn’t even have to mention that word. Did you miss it?