I just realized something yesterday, not only do I have some hoarding tendencies, I’m clearly a digital hoarder. I save all of my files, even the ones I know I will never use again. I have several binders filled with disks, many of them useless due to technology changes over the past several years.
At the risk of age stamping myself here, my first computer was a 286 Packard Bell, 40 megabyte hard drive, 1 megabyte RAM, 5 1/4 floppy drive & 3.5 floppy drive. Wow. Realization number 2, I’m a mental hoarder too. Who remember this kind of stuff??!?! Sadly, I didn’t have to look it up.
I said this in an earlier blog post, the only difference between 99.9% of us and the people on the Hoarders TV show, is that we can, and do, part with our stuff. Can you imagine how many computers are in landfills? Planned obsolescence on computers is what, 4 years at best? The oldest computer I own is approximately 8 years old. It runs a few old PC programs and sometimes, my vinyl plotter. My other “old” computer is a G4 PowerBook. It’s 4.5 years old, runs slow, but not bad for its age, however the screen started to go last week.
Like most of my stuff, I will keep these until they die. When the inevitable death arrives, I will find a program for electronics recycling or…
Too Funny!