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I was hanging out with some incredibly cool people last night and heard a wonderful story…

A couple of weeks ago, Mike and Steph went out to dinner to celebrate Mike’s new job.  They had an entire evening planned, dinner at a nice Italian restaurant and plans in the city afterwards.  As in most restaurants, the food portions are much larger than the average person can (or should) eat in one sitting, thus the invention of the “doggie bag”.  I’m not sure dogs ever get this leftover food, at least at my house they don’t.  Well, I don’t have a dog.  Anyway, they had a lot of leftover food.  What should they do with it?  They discussed their options and the conversation went something like this.

Mike: “Let’s ask for a to go box.”

Steph: “We can’t.  We have nowhere to put it.”

Mike: “Pack it up anyway.”

They packed up the food and took it with them.  I’m not sure what Steph was thinking at this point, but they took the bag of leftovers and headed out to their next evening adventure.  On the way there, they ran into a homeless man looking for food.  Mike gave him the bag of leftovers, reciting the contents of the bag as if he were a waiter in the restaurant, educating people on the specials for that evening.  What as awesome way to keep from being wasteful, and in the process, helping feed the hungry.

What do you do with your leftovers?  At a restaurant?  At home?

Moral of the story?  Be like Mike.