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I was at a staff retreat all day today, so no time to think about shopping.  I did, however, do a behavioral style assessment through, and the results were quite interesting.  I really enjoyed this process, not only learning more about my behaviors, but learning more about the people I work with.  After reading it, it’s no mystery why I started this blog, or for that matter, all of my blogs.

Of course, all of the material is copyrighted, so I’ll just highlight a couple of interesting things.

Need: To learn experientially from life and speak out their ideas. Yep, that’s me.  And that explains why I blog a lot.  I do like to speak out my ideas, but I also like the conversation.  I like to hear others ideas, learn from other people and I also love to debate when there’s a contrasting idea.  Playing devil’s advocate is a good and healthy process.  It enhances good ideas and modifies the not-so-good ideas into new ideas.  And there’s also those times where there’s more than one right way or several good ideas to accomplish the same thing.

Like: Emotional “peace and quiet”. Okay, so I’m not the warm and fuzzy type, I’m more cognitively and goal driven.  The words used to describe me cracked me up a bit, most were not too surprising, but other were… interesting.  I have a strong personality and I sometimes like to influence others by intimidation or forcefulness.  I guess I do come across that way sometimes, as I do like to get on my soapbox a lot.  I really just want to share my life experiences in a way that motivates people to do something different or make a positive change.  I like to learn from others, so I guess I just assume everyone does.  So anyway, thank you for reading my blog!  If I come across as a bully or overly dominant, free free to call me on it.  Then I’ll tell you to quit crying and accomplish the goal.  LOL  I’m sharing my challenges and ideas of the one year of no shopping, but many of my ideas have been generated through feedback I get, so please feel free to leave comments.

Relational description: Verbalizer.  Well, that speaks for itself.  Can’t argue with that.

I’m aware that I’m quite quirky in comparison to the ‘normal people’, and quite honestly, that makes me happy.  We are all unique in our behaviors, but I often wonder how much is influenced by our society?  Suppose our core behaviors are part of our personality, and I could get into the whole nature versus nurture thing, but how much of what we do is following and participating in our culture?  Shopping, for instance, is a social thing, necessary for some things, frivolous and exorbitant for others.  I’ve also heard the term ‘retail therapy’ for the need to shop, you know, if you’re feeling depressed or sad.

It’s just a thought, as I couldn’t help but wonder how all of this plays into my one year of no shopping.  I’ll ponder that.  :)