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About 2 weeks ago, I decided to downsize my wardrobe again.  Why?  I realized I still have too many clothes I don’t wear.  I started by purposely wearing things toward the back, things I haven’t worn in a while.  That led to either realizing I really don’t care to wear it or I really like it and it needs to come to the front.

In the process of making my piles, which is a little sad in itself that I need to make piles of things I don’t want, I decided to make it an even 100 things.  Here’s what I got rid of.

And just like the first downsize of 50% of my wardrobe, I struggled with choosing the last 9 things. 

My Adidas t-shirt, nicely worn but stretched out and too short.  I liked this t-shirt, but I guess I liked looking at it more in my closet than actually wearing it.

This brown knit sweater is one of those items I love, but it just doesn’t look great on me.  It’s too short and stretched out by the end of the day.  It’s tough to part with something you like.

A Deviantart t-shirt I got for free at SXSW.  I love Deviantart and I like the graphic on the t-shirt, yet I don’t wear boxy-style t-shirts and I don’t like the dark green color, yet I took it anyway?  It’s brand new.

A long-sleeved Lucky Brand t-shirt.  This was hard to part with, as it was one of my favorites and it wasn’t cheap.  I’ve had it for years but I just don’t wear it anymore.

Old Navy blue shorts.  Again, this was one of my summer favorites a long time ago.  I might have worn them to do yard work once over the past few years.

This pink tank top was a duplicate.  Since I had two of them, I decided to choose my favorite and keep it.  The other one went to the thrift store.  I sleep in these most of the time, so downsizing this was not easy.

This long-sleeved purple t-shirt hasn’t been in my wardrobe very long.  I like the color and I layered it, but I don’t love the way it fits.  Back to the thrift store.

These tie-dye tights were worn one time over the past several years I’ve owned them.  I like them, but again, they’re just sitting there?  I had 2 pair, blue and pink, and neither one got much use.

I really love the style of this vintage-look long t-shirt, but I didn’t wear it very often.  This is the classic example of buying things you like to look at, but they don’t look good on you.  This was not only a little tight, but I look awful in gray tones.

So far, I’ve missed nothing.  This includes the large downsize and this more recent downsize of my wardrobe.  I do realize at some point I might need to get a couple of non-casual clothing pieces, but I’ll still do the one in, one out if I need to add something.