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I was hoping to have more time to post some non-electronic toys from my childhood and compare them with what my kids will have this week.  I ran out of time, but here’s a few photos of some toys I had.  I’ll post what my kids played with when we return.

It’s Slinky!  It’s Slinky!  For fun it’s a wonderful toy!

I played with mine for hours, well, until the metal got all bent up from playing with it too much.  Then I woud see how far a friend and I could stretch it out.  Then I made a sculpture out of it.

Then I asked for a new one.  Lather.  Rinse.  Repeat.


Yes children, that’s what a pool looks like when you don’t have one built-in in your backyard.  Yes, that might look like a chair, but clearly it’s a diving board.

Toys back in the day required imagination, of the non-digital kind.  Life was simpler back then.

Turning off the computer now.

Off to wake the kids and get in the car.  Pray for me.  This could be a riot!  No, I don’t mean the fun kind of riot either.