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Deciding to get a pet of any kind is a big decision, not only for the responsibility associated with them, but for the expenses you will incur.  A couple of weeks ago we adopted Zuri, a 6 month-old kitten.  She’s precious and is the perfect fit for our family.  Although we adopted her from the Humane Shelter, we had to pick her up at PetSmart.

Now, adopting a pet means shopping for pet supplies.  Under the challenge rules, I can buy her food and litter, as those fall under the toiletries and groceries categories that are allowed.  I was going to need at bare minimum, a food bowl, a water bowl and a litter box with a scoop.  I was prepared to get creative.  I have bowls and lots of them.  I’m quite sure I could modify some plastic container in my garage for a litter box.  The scoop I had to ponder a little longer.  Old kitchen utensils?  Something in my garage?  After an intense thought process, I decided I would be able to make one from old coat hangers.  Yep, we were ready for a cat in every way possible.

When we went to pick up Zuri, we also picked up my friend E. because she adopted Zuri’s sister a week earlier.  As I was walking though the pet store, I had to stop and look at the senselessness of what I saw.  Gourmet canine cookies.  My kids don’t eat stuff this fancy or expensive.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m not opposed to treats for pets, but this seems a bit excessive to me.  Does Fido really care if he gets the pretty little treats shaped like dog bones, dipped in colorful icing?

How about pet fashion?  Yes, Martha Stewart has come to the rescue, not only to help your pet in the fashion world, but to stylistically incorporate pets into your home.  Again, I have no problem with pet supplies, what I’m saying is this seems excessive.  Yes, a pet bed is good if they’re not sleeping in your bed.  Yes, they need bowls to eat from.  Yes, they need a toy or two.  But do they really need all this stuff?  Let’s say I bought one of everything for my new kitten.  I’ll choose middle of the line items.

My list includes such things as a UV light cat pee finder, and cat sitter DVD, a mid-sized cat scratch tower, cat repellents to tell them where they don’t belong, a bed and much more.  The total?  $1,074. And once you’ve spoiled your pet and there’s nothing new left to buy, there’s now kitty anti-depressants.

Zuri is happy in our house.  She purrs all the time, snuggles with us and plays a lot.  Sometime with her toys, sometimes with Legos.  Here’s Zuri sleeping in her favorite spot, a bowl on the coffee table.

My enabler friend, E., bought her some things new and a few things she already had.  A litter box, some toys, food bowls and a scratching thing with catnip.  I will have the expense of her vet visits and shots, but other than that, I just don’t see a need for some of the stuff they make for pets.  It’s a billion dollar industry.  I’m choosing to go the simple route, just get here the basics.

I was going to add a bunch of item photos on here, but I’ll limit it to my three favorites.

Pet clothing. I understand some short-haired pets might get cold, but come on.  A hoodie?  This poor dog will definitely need therapy and doggie Prozac.  His dog friend are seriously going to make fun of him.  If you love your dog, at least get him some manly looking dog clothes.

Fashionable poop bags. Now if aliens come to earth, looking for the highest life forms on our planet, they’re clearly going to take your dog.  They’re watching you pick up poop, from your dog, in these cute little colorful plastic bags that you can color-coordinate with your decor or outfits.  The poop?  Biodegradable.  The colorful bags?  Not so much.

Pet Head detangling spray. I think this might be my favorite.  Bed Head products for your cat.  Cats don’t like anything sprayed on them, so if you want an angry cat, this is for you.  And it’s strawberry yogurt flavored?  Scented?  I’m not sure, but I’m not torturing my cat with it or spending the money for it.

I’m done with my crazy rant for the day.  The moral of my story?  We can live well and have the things we want without going overboard, financially and environmentally.  Go hug your cat.