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Fast food condiment packets.  Messy editable liquids in convenient, tiny portions, designed for eating ‘on the go’.  My favorites are the Taco Bell sauce packets with funny sayings on them.

I still feel like fast food eating is similar to retail shopping in a way, as I could be cooking and having nice family meals or changing my eating habits to save money and not be wasteful.  When I do eat a fast food meal, it usually is while I’m driving (and texting… no, just kidding) and usually includes french fries.  I like ketchup with my fries and I have a question.

How do you eat ketchup while driving?

Okay, I really thought everyone does what I do, but I was informed that nobody does what I do, or at least it’s a rare thing if they do.  I squirt the ketchup in my mouth after throwing a few fries in there.  What?!?  It makes sense.  It’s not messy, it’s easy to do while driving and it seems completely logical to me.

I ask only for the amount I will eat, as to not be wasteful.  Most fast food places will give you a handful of whatever condiment it is you’re requesting.  My friend across the street has a good plan.  She has a container to keep the extras.  I’m not a fan of packets in general because it’s a lot of plastic waste, but if we’re all going to use them, this seems like a good plan to keep the full ones out of the trash and to keep them from collecting under my car seats.