We moved into our church building about 2.5 years ago. The building was a company called PC Dynamics, and they made computer chips for large equipment. As we were renovating the building, there was a lot of vinyl tile being scrapped up off the floors so we could have the industrial concrete look. All I could see was a lot of really cool mosaic tile pieces!
I saved a few bags full of these little tile pieces. After saving them from the trash three times, I decided they would be safer at my house. Two years later… a project!!!!!
We have a service called ‘Deeper’ that we do once a quarter for believers to go deeper in their walk with Christ. We try to theme these, and this one was about fear. Mostly inspired by the economy and trying to understand where people are, we wanted to provide something helpful.
We made an 8′ by 4′ board, painted the word trust on it and spray painted 600 tiles pieces with a rainbow of colors. As people came in the door, they got a tile or two. During the service, they were asked to write their fear(s) on the tile. We had paint pens and painting supplies set up on 6 tables. As people finished their tiles, we had a team of people gluing these inside the word TRUST. Toward the end of the service, we raised it up and shined a light on it, revealing the beautiful piece of art. It was an awesome evening!
Saving those tiles might have been crazy, but it sure worked out to be a powerful creative element during the service. It was also an incredible way to get volunteers plugged in to the arts in our church. I was amazed at how many people wanted to help! :)
Wow! This is so cool. Your creative mind is so inspiring to me (who is soooo not creative)!